I have over 30 years experience in the banking and finance industry undertaking management roles in Corporate & Commercial, Business Banking, Operations and Product Management for a number of New Zealand banks.
The last 20 years I have specialised at The National Bank of NZ/ ANZ in Relationship and Sales for Corporate & Commercial customers in the Central Region of New Zealand supporting international cross border trade and transaction banking.
I have proven expertise to create value, solve issues, maximise growth and improve the business performance of the clients across their financial supply chain.
I use my commercial banking knowledge to provide objective advocacy, expertise and specialist skills that companies may lack or not have time to manage.
Clients recognise me as delivering a high level of integrity, professionalism and energy in my methodology. My foccus is to work closely with clients to ensure their business needs are understood and effectively met that results in successful growth.
I established BC4B in April 2013 to help and guide New Zealand businesses as an unique independent in-house banking advocate.
I have significant banking expertise, market knowledge and connectivity gained over 38 years working for ANZ and HSBC in Wellington and Christchurch.
Senior Global Relationship Manager at HSBC for the last 20+ years, my responsibilities covered the management of a vast portfolio of import/export middle market and large corporate customers in the South Island across a diverse range of industries. Facilitating working capital, trade finance, foreign exchange and transaction banking.
I am passionate about helping and supporting NZ businesses to grow and succeed. I am excited to now transfer my banking skills to help and ensure businesses receive the most beneficial solutions and finance needed from its bank to grow, while saving managements teams productive time by preparing and negotiating with banks on the company’s behalf.
Reviewing and assessing financials to prepare new funding applications, annual reviews or debt consolidations to the bank will help businesses as a client and the banks as funder to save time, money and make the process easier.
Independent, expert, affordable banking advocacy working for the client to deliver across-the-board banking expertise.
I have been involved in the banking and finance indursty for over 25 years and worked for a range of institutions including banks, a NZX listed company, a fund manager and government departments.
My banking experience included senior roles in New Zealand's largest bank where I managed funding and liquidity, interest rate risk and foreign exchange risk for 15 years.
In the Corporate sector I have successfully applied my risk management skills in all aspects of treasury risk management including the development and implementation of Treasury Policy, the evaluation and implementation of Treasury Risk Management Systems, the implementation and operation of sustained improvements to cash flow management, and the provision of various financial analyses to Exceutive Leadership Teams.
I enjoy working as a business partner with clients assisting them to effectively and efficiently manage their financial risks in accordance with their rsk appetite.
2018 Registered Financial Advisor: FSP Number FSP630629
2005 AFMA Diploma of Financial Services: Certificate Number 14528
2003 INFINZ Certified Treasury Professional: Membership Number 1487